Sally Hogshead on Awaken Your Inner Superstar with Michelle Villalobos

#69. Sally Hogshead – The Fascination Advantage: How The World Sees YOU!

Sally Hogshead on Awaken Your Inner Superstar with Michelle VillalobosHow would you like to know what makes YOU fascinating? Get ready to do some deeply informative (and fun!!) exploring about exactly that.

Sally Hogshead is the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Fascinate: How to Make Your Brand Impossible to Resist and How The World Sees You. She's also a Hall-of-Fame speaker, and an award-winning advertising copywriter, whose work sits in the Smithsonian.

In this value-packed episode, you will learn about what it takes to be fascinating, and you'll also get (drumroll, please!!) access to Sally's Fascination Advantage assessment, which is personality test that — unlike Myers-Briggs and StrengthsFinder — measures NOT how YOU see the WORLD – but rather how the WORLD sees YOU. This assessment has been used by over a MILLION people worldwide — for free. And in fact, you may want to take the assessment BEFORE you listen to the interview, as it will make the conversation that much more enlightening.

By the end, you'll understand the importance of “Fascination” in YOUR life, as well as know how to fascinate audiences, and how to optimize your business and speaking style to align with your natural tendencies.

You will also hear a fascinating conversation about a recent breakthrough that Sally made in her life and what she's now doing as a result.


You can Subscribe & Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And Please Consider Leaving a Rating & Review!


“If we can understand how other people perceive us at our best, it’s much easier to show up at our most impressive and influential. Because when we fascinate the person sitting in the audience, we’re far more likely to change their opinion and make a change with our message.” – Sally Hogshead

Show Notes:

  • Why being fascinating is so important for speakers
  • The 7 different ways of communicating and how knowing your preferred style makes you more effective
  • How high-achieving business people play to their strengths
  • Why taking a masculine approach can often feel draining
  • How to live a more fascinating life

“You don’t have to change who you are, you have to become more of who you are.” – Sally Hogshead

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“The uh-oh always happens before the aha!” – Michelle Villalobos

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