As you head towards the new year, have you taken some time to reflect on 2018?
Looking forward and making resolutions are great, but over the past few years, I found that a really powerful practice is to spend some time looking back, capturing the lessons from the last year and connecting with the progress I've made.
Some of my personal reflections from this past year include that this was a year of spiritual and personal growth for me. I've spent many years looking to master more business skills and strategies, but what was missing for a long time was a consistent spiritual practice. To that end, in 2018 many mentors entered my life to support this development, and people also “left” who were not so supportive of this new direction. I also realized I have a deeper empathy than I ever realized, and that I'd spent years protecting my heart from feeling too deeply. These are massive insights for me that will guide my direction for 2019.
What about you? If you haven't already, consider taking an hour or so to get quiet and review this past year. Some questions you may want to try on include:
- What was my biggest challenge in the past year?
- What surprise or unexpected situation happened, and what did I learn from it?
- How did I grow in this past year?
- What new value or values came through or did I become aware of?
- What did I master? What am I working to master?
- Who came into my life? Who left?
- Am I in alignment with my North Star? With my destiny?
- Where is life calling me forward?
Give this some thought and feel free to shoot me a note to share what you discover!