If you are somebody seeking more meaning and fulfillment from your work, listen up! This interview will be interesting especially for those thinking about making a big career shift relatively late in life.
Albert Pellissier is the incoming president of the NSA New Orleans as well as the founder of Man Up, an organization that works with men to bring more meaning, fulfillment, and fun back into their lives by attending his Man Camp retreats.
Albert tells us how he went from his safe but lucrative vocation to following his soul’s purpose and how he’s monetizing his mission.
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“You weep for all your potential that has been bartered for security.” – Og Mandino
Show Notes:
- Why Albert became motivated to change his career
- How ToastMasters introduced Albert to the possibilities of public speaking
- How Albert started spending more of his time researching happiness and fulfillment
- How Albert began to share his findings with others
- What Albert was like before his transformation
- The spark that ignited Albert’s own business
- How Albert started to position himself as a speaker
- How Albert’s business model became aligned with his preferred lifestyle
- Albert’s vision for the future of his business
“You can produce, you can make all the money you want and you can still have a great time, too!” – Albert Pellissier
Links Mentioned:
- Read The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
- Get a copy of The Greatest Miracle in the World by Og Mandino
- Learn more about ToastMasters
- Learn more about the National Speakers Association
- Connect with Albert Pellissier:
Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Albert Pellissier
“If there’s something, no matter how shiny of an object it is, if it doesn’t fit with what I know that I’m capable of, I don’t chase it.” – Albert Pellissier