#45. Michelle Villalobos – Retreats To Riches: Design, Fill & Monetize Transformational Events

Retreats on Awaken Your Inner Superstar with Michelle VillalobosIf I had to choose one concept which lead to my entrepreneurial success, it would be the small-group retreats business model. In the 14 months after applying the model to my business, my revenue jumped from $300k to over 7 figures. And in this episode, I'll tell you how to do this for your own business. This may seem crazy, but there is a method to the madness!

You'll hear about how I implement this model in my business and how you can design and monetize your own retreats. We'll discuss the additional value retreats can provide to your clients as well as the lifestyle and financial benefits the model provides. By the end of the episode, you'll know how to plan and market your first retreat and how you can use retreats to springboard clients into even more lucrative and transformational programs.

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“I went from under $300,000 in revenue a year to over seven figures in just 14 months and I did it all using the model I’m going to share with you today.” – Michelle Villalobos

Show Notes:

  • What incorporating retreats into my business models has done for me and what it can do for YOU
  • What retreats are and what they can look like
  • Why retreats can be so lucrative
  • The 6 steps to designing, filling, monetizing, and making an impact with your retreats
  • Find your audience’s pain points
  • Why you should sell your event before designing it
  • How to get people to attend your retreat
  • The biggest benefit of the retreat model

“A lot of times, we get caught up describing the medicine as opposed to focusing on the outcome.” – Michelle Villalobos

Links Mentioned:

“If you wait to set a date until you find a venue, I promise it will take you forever to find a venue. But if you commit first, somehow the venue always shows up.” – Michelle Villalobos

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