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#07. The Seven Step Superstar Business Building System

Superstar System on Awaken Your Inner SuperstarHello, Superstar! Today's episode is a SOLO round in which I walk you through my 7-steps to building a “Superstar” business. Following this framework will ensure that you have a sustainable, scalable business based on your gifts, passions, and purpose, and a business that grows in a way that is lifestyle friendly, leveraged and impact driven. Listening to this episode will help you gain clarity on where you and your business are misaligned, and the questions you need to answer to bring it back into alignment. 

You can follow along just by listening, or you can download the Superstar Business Model worksheet, so you can also have a visual representation of what we'll be discussing.

You can Subscribe & Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And Please Consider Leaving a Rating & Review!


“It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you and what they say about you when you’re not around. That’s your brand!” – Michelle Villalobos

The Superstar Business Model – Build a business that is founded on your strengths, gifts, and purpose:

  1. Discovering your identity and working to your strengths
  2. Defining your mission and designing your lifestyle
  3. Aligning your model with your mission and lifestyle
  4. Building your brand
  5. Market your mission, your message, and your movement
  6. Monetize your magic and sell to serve
  7. Optimize and scale

“When your brand is a good reflection of who you are, its a helluva lot easier to promote yourself.” – Michelle Villalobos

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“You are perfect the way you are. You’re perfect! You are whole and complete and perfect. And if you focus on your strengths and what makes you amazing, you really don’t have to worry as much about the weaknesses.” – Michelle Villalobos

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