If you are sick of all the hype but you still want to learn about funnels, online sales, marketing automation, passive revenues, yadda yadda, this is the interview for you!
My guest is sales funnel strategist Stephanie Nickolich aka “The Millionista Mentor.” She teaches online entrepreneurs how to shift their money mindsets, capitalize on their strengths, and create sales funnels for long-term sustainable income.
We’ll discuss Stephanie’s own path to success and how she used sales funnels and automated marketing to ascend it quickly.
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“If you have that fire in your belly; if you’re being called to do something bigger, then act upon it and don’t look back!” – Stephanie Nickolich
Show Notes:
- Stephanie’s huge business transformation
- How overcoming mindset issues enabled Stephanie to succeed wildly as an entrepreneur
- How Stephanie became a victim of her own success
- Stephanie’s advice for others on similar paths
- The one thing most of us ignore that makes the BIGGEST difference
- What “funnels” are and how to use build and use them to drive sales
- On turning challenges into opportunities
- On the power of taking full responsibility for your life
“My needs will be taken care of plus much, much more than I even need if I show up with the intention to give back.” – Stephanie Nickolich
Links Mentioned:
- Steal Stephanie's Funnels!
- Get a copy of Ask and It Is Given by Esther Hicks
- Connect with Stephanie Nickolich:
Facebook | Stephanie Nickolich
“I thought that I had to be it all and do it all to have it all.” – Stephanie Nickolich